This site would
not be what it is without:
My wife who
understands and accepts my passion for
Beethoven, accompnaies me on my discoveries
and picks up her German dictionary each
time it's necessary.
My mum
in the role of attentive proof-reader,
who never ceases to encourage me.
My dad,
sent to take photos on numerous occasions,
and in the role as translator of Italian.
Armando Orlandi,
a merited Italian pianist who sents me
each of his midi files, and who creates
the biggest collection of midi files of
Beethoven's music. Armando is translating
the webiste into Italian...
Annie Moss Moore,
who send me her list in English of Beethoven's
Cristina Barbieri,
passionate about Beethoven, who has helped
me enormously, notably with the portraits
of the composer and who translates the
website into Spanish.
Hannah Salter,
who has passed many hours translating
this site into English, a difficult and
thankless task.
Melanie Piddocke,
who now translates the new pages into
Stephen Powell
who helps me to discover other composers and who left us too soon.
Thomas Roman
and Peter Rath without who no ex-libris
nor ex-musicis about Beethoven would
be shown on this website.
Robert Poliquin,
a Canadian musicologist, who lent me his
catalogue of Hess works.
Ruth Wallach
who went, at my demand, to take photos
of the Beethoven statue in Los Angeles.
our friend Khadijah
Bdour who did the same thing at Boston.
- and many others:
Sylvie Laurent, Hans Brofeldt, and many
more who have let me use their musical creations,
their photos, images of their paintings,
drawings, etc... or simply for their understanding
and friendship.
Thank you to you
Dominique Prévot |