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TitleThe Liebig Series: "Fidelio"
Check...Particularly pretty, with letters and costumes sometimes in gold,
here is the French series n°675, edited in 1901.
The back of these cards does not hold explanations, just recipes...
(by passing the mouse over the French cards, you will see the German cards appear)
Actual size of cards: 10,7 x 7,2 cm.
Liebig's card - Fidelio...
Liebig's card - Fidelio...
Liebig's card - Fidelio...
Liebig's card - Fidelio...
Liebig's card - Fidelio...
Liebig's card - Fidelio...
TitleThe Liebig series: "Famous Operas III"
Check...Series n°391 edited in 1893...
(cards in German)
Actual size of cards:11 cm x 7 cm.
Liebig's card: operas...
From left to right, and from top to bottom:
Gounod's Faust - Beethoven's Fidelio
Boieldieu's The White Lady - Wagner's The Flying Dutchman
Mozart's Don Juan - Mayerbeer's The Prophet
Liebig's card - Fidelio...
TitleThe Liebig series: "Silhouetten"
Check...Series n°684 edited in 1901.
The back of these cards does not hold explanations, just recipes...
(cards in German)
Actual size of cards:11 cm x 7 cm.
Liebig's card: operas...
From left to right, and from top to bottom:
Mozart's Don Juan - Wagner's Lohengrin - Beethoven's Fidelio - Dürer's Ritter Tod und Teufel - Schiller's Glocke - Goethe's Faust
Liebig's card - Fidelio...
Many thanks to Hannah SALTER for her translation of this page from French into English
© Dominique PREVOT
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