It comprises the 6 parts “customary” in the mass: Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanctus – Benedictus – Agnus Dei.
KYRIE (duration: about 5 mins)
Andante, quasi allegretto
It is a page full of fervour; a magnificent introduction to the work; phases of intervention between soloists and choir.
GLORIA (average duration: 10 mins)
The Gloria is divided into 3 connected parts:
- Gloria in Excelsis Deo** brilliant choir;
- Laudamus Te with brilliant choir;
- Gratias Agimus Tibi with Tenor and choir;
- Domine Deux with Tenor and choir.
- Qui Tollis with Mezzo, choir and the other soloists; - Qui Sedes*, with choir; - Miserere Nobis, with choir.
- 3 – Allegro ma non troppo
- Quoniam**, with quick and bright choir; - Cum Sancto Spirito* extensive fugue** choir and soloists.
III. CREDO (average duration 12 mins)
Is divided into 4 connected sections:
Credo** with a grandiose choir.
The pinnacle of the work (text bellow in order to better appreciate this remarkable chorus):
Credo in unum deo, Patrem omnipotem, factorem coeli
et terrae, visibilium omnium et invisibilium.
Et in unum Dominum, Jesum Christum, Filium Dei
unigenitum et ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula.
Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine.
Deum verum de Deo vero, genitum, non
factum, consubstantialem Patri per quem omnia facta
Qui propter nos homines et propter nostram salutatem
descendit de coelis.
Et Incarnatus Est, Soloists;
Crucifixus, soloists and choir.
- 3 – Allegro ma non troppo
Et Resurrexit, Bass then choir* and soloists;
Et In Spiritum Sanctum.
Et Vitam Venturi Saeculi, extensive fugue**, with choir and soloists.
SANCTUS (average duration 2-3 mins)
Adagio followed by a brilliant allegro:
- Pleni Sunt Coeli*, with Choir;
- Osanna I.
BENEDICTUS (average duration: 7 to 8 mins)
Long slow passage (allegretto) with soloists, accompanied by the choir;
already foretelling the Missa Solemnis
Osanna II (allegro), with choir.
AGNUS DEI (average duration: 6 to 7 mins)
Agnus Dei (poco andante).
Miserere Nobis (interventions of the clarinet) choir.
Dona Nobis Pacem, with soloists and choir, (allegro ma non troppo, andante con moto,
tempo del kyrie).
Piano ending, on Pacem.
Note: the * or ** correspond to the personal appreciation of Daniel,
signaling the most enthusiastic passages. |