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Title... Ludwig van Beethoven at Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad)

This statue is found in the town of Karlsbad, or Karlovy Vary. Beethoven went there several times for spa treatment.

The sculptor is Hugo Uher (1909-1945), and this statue was unveiled on September 29th 1929.

Thanks to Rath.

Beethoven - Karlovy Vary

Hugo Uher was born on April 1st, 1882 in Karlovy Vary.

He studied Art at the school for Ceramics in Bechyne and the Artschool in Prague where Prof. Suchada was his teacher.

Then he studied in Berlin and Rudolstad.

In Karlovo Vary he found a permanent place to live in 1906.

His first piece of art was a grave monument for Karl Pupp. In 1909 he was awarded a prize by the Vereins von Deutsche Kunstler in the Czech Republic. He was involved in the ornemental architecture in Prague, Karlovo Vary and Linec.

After the second world war he was imprisonned on 11 juni 1945 in Karlovo Vary, Stara Role and Prague (Pankrac) were he died in december 1945. After his death he received the Josef Hofmann award.

The Beethoven monument in Karlovo Vary was build at the site were originally the monument of Czar Frantisek Josef I (the erection of this statue took place on 28-08-1911 and was torn down in 1925).

The statue of Beethoven was made in bronze by the famous Prague company Franta Anyz.

Thanks to Marcela for her translation from Czech

Some of the pictures that I took in Karlovy Vary. Click on the boxes to see the photos enlarged...
Beethoven and Karlovy Vary... Beethoven and Karlovy Vary... Beethoven à Karlovy Vary...
Beethoven and Karlovy Vary... Beethoven and Karlovy Vary... Beethoven and Karlovy Vary...
Beethoven and Karlovy Vary... Beethoven and Karlovy Vary... Beethoven and Karlovy Vary...
Many thanks to Sylvie Laurent who took these pictures.
Click on the boxes to see the photos enlarged...
Beethoven at Karlovy Vary... Beethoven at Karlovy Vary... Beethoven at Karlovy Vary...
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Many thanks to Hannah SALTER for her translation of this page from French into English
© Dominique PREVOT
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